challenge ethics
why we created the Hub
The Corporate Governance Hub (CGHub) is a think tank where executives from Greece and abroad cooperate, interact, network, learn and develop business.
We aspire for the Hub to be our little seed for good responsible ethical behavior and governance.
We attempt to bring together interesting and interested people who can help the Hub go viral by being the best ambassadors as members of the boards they serve or aspire to serve.
We plan to raise awareness for companies to think and challenge why they exist and how they deliver on their purpose.
We encourage thinking and evaluation about how we want to live and work in the future. We believe in acting on it because we all live and work in it.
challenge action
what we do
networking Our aim is to bring together dynamic high-level executives, to form a background-diverse, global network of highly qualified talent, competent, trustworthy and capable to be used by companies seeking to find the right person for the right place as directors in their Boards. We believe that our society, and by extension our corporate world, works better if we share a common denominator of business ethics and values and cooperate so as to build synergies.
business development Our objective is to form a critical mass of senior executives, current or potential Board members, so as to disseminate a new culture of “conforming and performing” - a common goal rather than a sole necessity. Our goal is to contribute to the development of a new culture of governance in Greek businesses.
CGHub will follow closely global developments relating to Boards' composition and diversification. In particular, as the EU is calling for gender diversification and contemplating minimum percentages in Boards from 2020 onwards, representation of women will be very much on the forefront.

your comfort zone
why education matters
“Corporate governance is not something that is put in place and then left. Ensuring its effectiveness depends on regular review, preferably regular independent review. And, in the end that comes down to the shareholders. Outside assessment and self-assessment need to be regular events.”
Jim Jones [Business Day]
We share the view that corporate governance is no longer merely about maximizing short term stock values. It concerns the growing universe of relationships among the stakeholders, and the goals of the corporation governed. In its best practice, it aligns shareholder and stakeholder interest.
Non executive directors are vital in this equation by having the right approach, skills and knowledge to guide and challenge.

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